Keith’s Sabbatical

The_WassermansHere you will find information about Keith’s Sabbatical, what he experienced with with his wife Darlene and with Timothy, his son.

Click on the links below to see pictures and info:

A Rite of Passage — Keith describes his the reason for his year-long sabbatical during an interview for Prism Magazine.

Keith’s Sabbatical — A pictorial on Keith’s experiences at Asbury Seminary and in Toronto, Canada.

Keith’s Journal Entries, listed by date:

July 26,27 and 28 — Keith and Family in Holland.

Late July, Early August  — The Wassermans in England.

August 11, August 14, August 15, August 20 — Keith and company in South Africa.

September 26 — Keith, Darlene and Timothy in Romania.

Final Thoughts: Darlene Timothy