Growing into Leadership
By Johannah Couch
“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” C.S. Lewis’ unique words highlight the position that we as humans all experience. These words also emphasize the need for guidance in each of our own lives in order to “hatch.”
One beautiful thing about the people here at Good Works is that each person is viewed as an important leader in one way or the other. It is understood that not one specific person has every single thing needed to lead alone. This emphasis is a humble reminder that each individual has at least one unique trait that is needed to strengthen the community as a whole. People are viewed with respect, and in listening to them we have this desire to learn something from their own experience and wisdom.
Another beautiful thing about Good Works is that, though there are specific leaders in certain areas, the ultimate leader is God. This life- this organization, each situation, each day, each moment- it is all from and for God. The desire of Good Works is to build the Kingdom of God, so each decision will not be made for human gain. Good Works waits for God to lead because He is the ultimate leader. The awesome thing about this is that, because God is so good, the seeking of God’s guidance will in turn bless our humanly lives.
I desire to become a leader like the ones here at Good Works. This summer I worked with different people who inspired me in different ways. One of the most impactful leaders that encountered was Andrea. I am so thankful that she was my mentor because God used her to strengthen and lead me. I witnessed her good character, her honesty, her love for God and for people, and her nourishing relationship with her son. Andrea’s wise words gave me understanding of people and of God. Her questions challenged me to search my heart and discover what I truly believe. Her willingness to share her experiences and her opinions made me feel that who I am is important enough to spend time molding. Her relationship with her son displayed the goodness in God that desires to give us joy each day.
I desire to be a good leader like Andrea. I want to love God deeply and always seek to know Him more. I want to view people as beautiful and loved, and I want to help them see themselves this way. I want to carry a good sense of humor that lightens the mood and creates moments of joy. I want to discover relationships that heal and strengthen who I am.
This summer I experienced different kinds of leadership roles. Each of these roles allowed me to become more of the leader that I seek to be. Through my leadership role at Summer Kid’s Discovery Club I learned of the big importance of understanding each specific child for who they are apart from everyone else. I cannot expect to be a good leader if I treat each child exactly the same because I fail to take time to understand them. This truth was reflected through each of the leadership roles that I participated in this summer. Through my responsibilities at Friday Night Life and hosting group members in the Hannah House I used this same truth about leadership. As I worked alongside different members of the community I remembered the importance of relationships rather than status.
This summer challenged me to grow in wisdom, and with this wisdom came some truths about how to work with people. In order to work well with someone there needs to be a sense of trust, respect, forgiveness, comfortability, honesty, and room for growth. I believe that for the most part I displayed each of these characteristics this summer. However, my weaknesses were highlighted at various moments. I realized that I lack confidence in myself at the most important times. Regretfully, this comes from doubt in God, but thankfully He is patient and full of grace. God has used this entire summer to remind me of His strength and His presence. I experienced various moments this summer when I displayed boldness because of my growth that God is doing in my leadership roles.
I am still unsure of my future and of my specific desires. However, I believe that God can use me to lead people who are experiencing brokenness. He is currently healing me of my own brokenness, and in the process He is overwhelming my heart with a desire to love others deeper. I experience healing through the love of others, so this summer here at Good Works has strengthened my heart and my faith in amazing ways. It has also challenged me to do the same in the lives of others.