The Benefit Concert Series
We would like to invite you to participate in a new initiative we are launching this year – The Benefit Concert Series. With the help of countless volunteers, we have spent the last two years building a beautiful stage and amphitheater on the Good Works Luhrig Road property, and we would like to see this new outdoor facility benefit our community. One purpose for this facility is to encourage and financially support some community based organizations by hosting a series of benefit concerts. Therefore, we are inviting groups to participate in the concert series to raise funds for your organization. The concerts must be held on Saturday evenings. Our intention is that ALL funds generated from the concert will go directly to your organization.
We have developed The Benefit Series to bring together our community and to assist local community organizations struggling with resources to carry out their mission. We want to assist community-based organizations serving the needs of others financially to carry out their missions. Our hope is to facilitate increased collaboration and cooperation among community organizations and to inspire a stronger vision for working together to address the problems of our own community.
If you are interested in participating in the Benefit Concert Series, contact us and we will schedule a date that will work for you and for Good Works. Once this date is confirmed with our staff through a signed contract, you can invite musicians you know to come and play on that date.
You will be responsible for advertising your concert to the public through word of mouth, public service announcements, mailings, etc. When people come to the concert, you can either charge an entry fee or take up a collection. Again, all funds collected at the concert will go to your organization. No funds will go to Good Works. Indeed, Good Works is not charging any fees to use the amphitheater for The Benefit Series. Furthermore, Good Works will provide one staff person on site before, during and after the concert to guide volunteers—which you will need to provide—in preparation, oversight and cleanup of the event.
All concerts will begin around 6:00 pm and end at or before 8:00 pm. Musicians and volunteers are asked to arrive by 5:00 pm. Interested groups will be signed up to the Benefit Series on a first come, first serve basis based on a signed contract. Groups who are interested in participating must agree to the following:
- Provide a minimum of 10 volunteers to assist with the event. Volunteers must arrive by 5:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to assist with parking, supervision of the site, and cleanup and should plan to remain on the property until the final cleanup is done.
- You will be responsible for inviting the musicians who will volunteer to perform on stage at the concert. These musicians will need to provide their own equipment since Good Works does not have sound equipment at this time.*
- Your organization will be responsible for the promotion and advertising of your benefit concert.
Your community organization will be responsible for the method and mechanism you use to take up a collection or charge a fee for the concert. Again, all funds raised from this event will go to your organization.
Additional information:
- Smoking is allowed on the property, but alcohol is not permitted.
- Children are invited and encouraged to come along with their parents or a guardian. We do have a children’s play area on the property that will need to be supervised by one of your volunteers.
- Handicap-accessible bathrooms are available at a close proximity to the concert site and space for wheelchairs is also available with a clear view of the stage.
- You may offer/sell food on the property providing you have the appropriate vending permits needed. This could be an excellent additional fundraiser. You may also invite concertgoers to bring a picnic meal if you’d prefer.
- We will list all the benefit concerts on this website. We will include information you provide us about your organization and the musicians who are performing. You can view the Amphitheater now by clicking here. We also want to encourage you to come over and see the facility yourself.
- Concerning rain or bad weather: we request that there is a decision-maker appointed from your group who will decide if the concert must be canceled due to bad weather. Please call us at 740.594.9000 or e-mail us with any questions you have. While the concert dates are given out on a first come, first serve basis, the final date for a signed contract for the Spring 08 Concert Series is Friday, February 29th.
To sign up:
- E-mail us your preferred date so that we can lock it in. Please add a “backup date” in case the first date is already chosen.
- Once we confirm a date with you by e-mail, send us a signed contract by e-mail, postal mail or fax.
- Once all the contracts are signed, we will host a one-hour meeting in late March with one representative of each organization to provide an overview of the project and answer any further questions. In the meantime, feel free to visit the Good Works Luhrig Road property (7857 Luhrig Road), and take a look at the Amphitheater.
Love is a verb,
Keith Wasserman
*We are still seeking the donation of speakers, microphones, monitors, cords, and mike stands.