Caitlyn O’Connell

Hello, my name is Caitlyn O’Connell, and I work as a Caregiver at the Timothy House and a Kids’ Club leader at Friday Night Life. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio but came to Athens in 2015 to study social work at Ohio University. As a high school senior trying to figure out my future, I felt God stirring my heart for Athens County. I remember throughout high school saying, like the prophet Isaiah, “Here I am, Lord. Send me!” I wanted to care for the people that God loves and the world casts aside, but I didn’t know where to go. The more I learned about OU’s party culture, the poverty faced by so many in this region, and the opioid crisis, the more I felt God saying, “Who will go to Athens for me?” Reluctantly, I stepped out of my comfort zone, gave God my yes, and my Appalachian journey began.

It wasn’t until my senior year of college that I got involved with Good Works for a 9-month academic internship through my social work program. I was hesitant and unsure of my place here, unconvinced that I had any words of wisdom to offer these people experiencing the crisis of homelessness. As it turns out, that wasn’t what they needed from me anyway. Instead, I learned how to listen. I learned how to sit with someone and hurt with them. I learned how to pray for situations beyond anyone’s control. I learned how to laugh with strangers until those strangers became friends. I was welcomed by the very people that I was supposed to be welcoming.

I remember when I first started we had a resident, a mother of 6, who would go out of her way to ask me instead of the full-time staff if she could have permission to do laundry or what time the bus would be coming by. She cared about me enough to help me become confident in my new role and feel respected. That was something I never expected.

As my social work internship was coming to an end and graduation was drawing near, I realized I wasn’t ready to leave the relationships I had formed in this community. For a short-term solution, I became a summer intern and helped to host work retreat groups while co-leading Summer Kids’ Discovery Club. In September of 2018, I joined the full-time staff.

As I form new relationships through Good Works, God is continuing to deepen my love for this region and increase my longing to see justice for the people in this community who have been overlooked and disregarded. Zephaniah 3:19-20 says, “‘I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes,’ says the Lord.” It is in this truth that I place my hope.