Good Gifts

Buy a gift, change the world!

GOOD GIFTS is the first economic development project of Good Works, Inc. We began as a small non-profit vending cart stationed on Union Street in uptown Athens each weekday for several hours.

Today, The Good Gifts Store is located at 7857 Luhrig Road at the Good Works property.

from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
at our Luhrig Road location.

Good Gifts merchandise is purchased through Ten Thousand Villages and Serv International. The purpose of the business is to provide a living wage for citizen in developing nations (India, Guatemala, Bangladesh for example).

Good Gifts 2

Good Gifts is an extension of Good Works, Inc. — A COMMUNITY OF HOPE!

One innovative aspect of Good Gifts is that we import hand-crafted gift products made by people in developing nations, thereby helping people in poverty internationally earn a fair wage for their work.



The Philosophy of Good Gifts

We purchase our hand-crafted products through organizations such as Ten Thousand Villages and SERRV International. Their purpose is to help citizens struggling with poverty in developing nations by finding markets for their products.

When you buy a gift from Good Gifts, you are changing the world. Really.

Good Gifts 1The fact is that you are helping citizens who live in developing nations make a living wage for their hard work and in doing so, you are making a positive impact upon people who are living in poverty by helping them to help themselves.

Think about it.

When you buy a gift from us, you are changing the world. Really!