Internships 2025

These are the Internship opportunities available through Good Works at this time. Just click on one for more information:

Since the late 1980s, Good Works has been providing both academic and non-academic internship opportunities. Our goal is to provide a context for discipleship to take place, educating people about the issues surrounding service to and with people who are experiencing poverty, homelessness and exclusion. Our desire is to see godly servant-leaders experience growth in the context of community and who can learn to carry responsibility.  We are looking for men and women who are teachable, yielded and willing to grow in their faith, their relationships with others in the body of Christ and in their personal relationship with Jesus. (See Matthew 9:35-38).

THE MISSIONFrom Keith Wasserman, Founder and Executive Director
Good Works, Inc. exists as an agent of God’s grace to empower and transform those crushed by the consequences of structural and personal sin. The mission of our residential programs is to provide a safe, clean, stable and structured atmosphere where people who have experienced homelessness and others in recovery can be nurtured in responsibility, accountability and the love which Jesus demonstrated to us. Our hope is that, by God’s grace, people who participate with Good Works will discover the freedom of whole and healthy relationships (with God, with themselves and with others) and be inspired to obey the two greatest commandments in scripture: Love God. Love your neighbor. (Matthew 22:37-40). Walking in the freedom brought about by obeying these two commands can and will result in a whole range of new options and opportunities for social, psychological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth! Today, Good Works operates twenty different initiatives and structures in which we attempt to accomplish our mission.

As you consider a possible internship with Good Works, use these questions as a lens for your discernment process:

  1. Can I learn something from these people?
  2. Are these the kind of people that I believe can learn something from me?
  3. Is this community as concerned about my growth and development as it is concerned about the people it reaches out to?
  4. Can I experience healing through this community?

Our hope is to enable you to discover something about yourself and who God has created you to be. It is possible that you will be exposed to a new area and discover that it is something that you are gifted in and really enjoy. It could also be that you did something that although you found it beneficial, it is not something you are interested in doing in the future. Your presence in the Good Works community will be beneficial to us, but we also want it to be a positive experience of personal development as well for you.

The application process for an internship could take anywhere from 30 to 45 days depending on the type of internship process you are applying for. Typically, this process will include the following:

  1. Find out about us:
  2. Give us a call at 740.594.3336 or e-mail us and set up a time to come visit us. This may include staying overnight on the Good Works property, participating in some part of the Good Works community, coming to a staff meeting, sharing a meal with one of the staff, etc. The purpose of this is to get to know us and for us to get to know you.
  3. Request an application for the internship. This is an extensive inquiry into your desires for this internship experience. The approximately 20 questions will give us a feel for who you are and will help you to think about why you are applying for this internship and what some of your personal goals are. We will ask that you return this to us by a certain date.
  4. You will be contacted for a formal interview with several of the staff. Each of the staff involved with this interview will have a copy of your completed application. You are strongly encouraged to come into this interview asking questions about Good Works. Although we are interviewing you, you also are interviewing us.
  5. We will contact you to discuss the results of the interview and a possible starting date.

Although we don’t all live together, the ministry of Good Works functions as a Christian community. The Good Works community is comprised of paid staff, interns, volunteers, residents, former residents and citizens who live in southeast Ohio.. Together, we seek God’s wisdom to live in the tension of different kinds of relationships with different roles and expectations. We seek to discern the will of God for our ministry in community. We believe we can best do the will of God together as the body of Christ. Being teachable is necessary for growth and development. Real spiritual growth in our lives often comes not on the mountaintops but in the valleys. Our growth will occur in the midst of being stretched. Are you willing to be s t r e t c h e d? Then this kind of internship, in the trenches, with people who are experiencing homelessness and who are struggling with poverty, will produce fruit in you and through you—fruit that will remain. (John 15:16).