
LifeTogether is a worshipping community established through Good Works, which meets every Sunday evening from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on the Good Works property.

The first half of our time together (5:00pm to 6:00pm) is an experience of worship inside the Good Works Hope Center. We gather first to reconnect with one another and then to participate in the church readings calendar with scripture and song.

Different participants in LifeTogether read from a selected Psalm, Old Testament passage, Gospel or New Testament reading. We also share in a time of silent confession and conclude the liturgy with a time of prayer for people we know and care about, situations and people in the world and finally for the things we are thankful for.

During our prayer time, each participant has an opportunity to share a financial offering in a basket placed in the room. Funds from that offering are collected and at the end of the month are given to people who are struggling with a financial need. After our liturgical worship, we spend some time sharing with one another a verse or section of scripture that has been particularly meaningful in our lives recently. We close out this first hour with a brief summary of what people shared.

The second half of LifeTogether takes place in the Good Works Hannah House and is experienced through as a shared meal (a coordinated pot-luck) from 6:00pm to 7:00pm each week. We begin the meal with a time of thanksgiving and finish with a short reflection on the gospel reading of that particular day. The shared meal is viewed as a different, but equal expression of worship during our time together.

LifeTogether brings together Christians from different streams of faith into a gathering marked by worship through song, scripture, and teaching. The mission of Good Works to connect people from all walks of life with people experiencing poverty is a core value of LifeTogether. We intentionally leave space to get to know one another.


Because of a growing desire to bring together people from different arenas of our ministry and Christians from different streams, LifeTogether was formed in the fall of 2016 with the vision to create another avenue of experience the mission of Good Works. We have continued to meet together on Sunday’s with a vision to create a place of welcome and spiritual growth for people from different walks of life.


  • 5:00 pm – Arrival and re-connection
  • 5:10 pm – Worship with a liturgical focus. This time includes readings from the Psalms, the Old Testament and New Testament.
  • 5:40 pm – Worship through sharing of scripture with one another.
  • 6:00 pm – Gather in the Good Works Hannah House for a time of thanksgiving followed by a potluck meal
  • 6:45 pm – A brief word of reflection on the Gospel reading of that day
  • 6:50 pm – The final act of worship for this community is called “Dishes”

LIFETOGETHER  is on “pause” at this time. We intend to resume something in early 2025