
LifeTogether is a worshipping community established through Good Works, which meets every Sunday evening from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

The first half of our time together (5:00pm to 6:00pm) is sharing a meal together, sharing friendship and getting to know one another.  Around 6:00 pm, after we finish our meal (and dishes), we gather for a time of song, sharing and scripture until 7:00 pm.

LifeTogether brings together Christians from different streams of faith into a gathering marked by worship through song, scripture, and teaching. The mission of Good Works to connect people from all walks of life with people experiencing poverty is a core value of LifeTogether. We intentionally leave space to get to know one another.


Because of a growing desire to bring together people from different arenas of our ministry and Christians from different streams, LifeTogether was initially formed in the fall of 2016 with the vision to create another avenue of experience the mission of Good Works. We continued to meet together on Sunday’s through 2020 when we suspended this aspect of Good Works due to COVID 19.  In January 2025, we resumed this weekly gathering with a vision to create a place of welcome and spiritual growth for people from different walks of life.


  • 5:00 pm – Arrival and re-connection
  • 5:10 pm – A shared pot-luck. Everyone bring something to the meal.
  • 6:00 pm – Gather for a time of song, scripture, sharing and prayer.