Spiritual Formation Retreats

We are inviting individuals and groups into worship experiences called Spiritual Formation Retreats.

For several years now, Good Works has been hosting and leading Spiritual Formation experiences for small groups. These have taken several forms, one of which is a hike with a formational focus. As we enter into the sanctuary of God’s creation, we engage with God, who is ever-present with us, on a more experiential level. Rather than only engaging with spiritual truth intellectually, it becomes an experience that engages our entire being with the presence of God.

This is also intended to be a community growth experience and seeks to cross the traditional cultural faith boundaries we live within.

The retreats involved an easy-paced, 2-mile hike, with an optional uphill climb as part of the hike. An alternate hike was provided for those who did not want to do the climb. The hike has several stops for meditation and discussion.

Afterward there is a bring-your-own-lunch reflection for those who decided to stay for lunch.

For more information or to inquire about future retreats, contact us through email@good-works.net  


For the Good Works community, worship is our paradigm for adoration and service! We are a worshipping community! We seek for all that we do to be an expression of worship, as an act of gratitude to God for the transformation Christ has brought about in our lives.

Groups that come to Good Works for a Spiritual Formation Retreat will have the opportunity to engage in this through a variety of spiritual formation activities.

Righteousness and Justice are two inter-related aspects of a dynamic relationship with the God who redeemed us. God calls us to lives that demonstrate a hunger and thirst for righteousness, that seek after the kingdom of God. He also calls us to follow Christ in bringing the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, caring for those who struggle with poverty and isolation, and even confronting the systems of the world that keep people in oppression and poverty.

The Elements of a Spiritual Formation Retreat

The overall theme of the Spiritual Formation Retreat will be “Knowing God in Righteousness and Justice.” We will lead groups to engage with this content through a variety of spiritual disciplines:

Scripture Study
Prayer/Prayer Walk
Group Reflection

Click Here to get a brief description of each of these.

One-Day Spiritual Formation Retreat

This experience begins at 8:30am and ends at 4:00pm.

Friday to Saturday Spiritual Formation Retreat

This begins on Friday at 4:00pm and ends Saturday after lunch or after dinner depending on the availability of the group. When possible, we encourage groups to sponsor Friday Night Life (FNL) as part of this experience, but this is not a requirement. Click here to view a sample schedule from a previous group.

Weekend Spiritual Formation Retreat (Friday-Sunday)

This is an extended retreat experience that we offer to groups. This begins with Sponsoring Friday Night Life at 4:00pm, or after FNL at 8:00pm, and continues to Sunday morning ending at 10:00am.

The Spiritually Formative Enhanced Work Retreat

In this retreat experience we are adjusting the Work Retreat to include elements of the Spiritual Formation Retreat. We will create a structure in which half the group will be involved in service and the other half involved in spiritual formation for the morning. In the afternoon, these groups will switch. The whole group will be together at the beginning of the day, for lunch and at the end of the day. Click here for the schedule of a group that experienced this retreat.

To set up a Spiritual Formation Retreat experience for your group, email us or call  740-594-3339.

If you are seeking to serve with Good Works through a week end or week-long Work Retreat experience, and would like to add the Spiritual Formation element, you will start by setting up the Work Retreat by contacting us through email.