Explore A Staff Position

“Good Works exists to connect people from all walks of life with people who struggle with poverty so that the kingdom of God can be experienced”


CLICK HERE to learn more about exploring an internship or staff position
with the Good Works Community. 

Click here to read about current staff positions.

At Good Works, we welcome inquiries from anyone interested in exploring how God may be calling you to join us as we learn how to love and serve the people God has trusted us with, in the context of community. While we may not have a paid job position or internship open when you inquire, we welcome you to explore the community of Good Works and allow us to get to know you so that when we do have a position open, we can keep you in mind.

Here is the process we would encourage you to follow:

  1. Explore our website with special focus on:
    • WHAT WE DO (explore all the links inside this section)
    • WHO WE ARE (read some of our staff bios)
  2. E-mail us at email@good-works.net Share with us who you are, how and through whom you heard about Good Works and share something of where you are in your life, what your interests are and what you might like to explore in the Good Works community. We want to learn about what motivates you, where your passions are, what’s important to you and what you believe are some of your natural abilities and spiritual gifts.
  3. Send us some information about yourself. Do you have a resume or something you’ve written about yourself? Is there an article written on you or by you? Send us some information so that we can get to know you.
  4. COME AND VISIT US! We can provide overnight accommodations at the Good Works’ Hannah House at no charge during your visit. Additionally, we are happy to include you in all of our meals while you are with us. Contact us by e-mail or telephone to set up a time to visit with us. If you are interested in exploring a paid staff position or paid internship with us, plan to stay for at least 2-3 days. This will give you a chance to informally interview us and allow us an opportunity to get to know you. While we do make occasional exceptions for weekend visits for prospective staff or interns, the best time to come is Monday through Saturday, when most of the staff is available. We desire for you to experience and participate in one of our staff / community gathering times (held Tuesday from 10:00 am – 11:00 am & Friday from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) as well as some of the other aspects of our ministry.

Here are the four questions we encourage you to use as a lens during your visit:

  1. Can I learn something from these people?
  2. Are these the kind of people that I believe can learn something from me?
  3. Is this community as concerned about my growth and development as it is about the growth and development of the people they are serving?
  4. Is this a healing community? Can I receive healing by participating in this community?

 Our Rationale

We prefer that anyone interested in an internship or staff position spend some time inside the Good Works community working along side of us as part of your discernment process. We want you to come and meet us and participate with us as we engage in mission with the vulnerable people we are learning to love. Come and meet some of the people we are serving and allow us to get to know you in a less formal atmosphere. We want to include you in several different aspects of our ministry so that you can experience what we do and allow your experience to inform and clarify your discernment process. We prefer to talk about the Good Works organizational philosophy, salary/ benefit issues, and Good Works personnel policies before we do a formal interview with you. That way, you can think about and interact with us concerning these issues before a more formal interview is conducted.

After your visit, we encourage you to go home and talk with people who know you—friends, mentors, and family. Encourage them to help you process your visit. Invite them into the discernment process. Encourage people who know you to ask you questions about your expectations and how you experienced the Good Works community. If you would like to take the next step and arrange for a formal interview with several Good Works staff members:

  1. E-mail Keith Wasserman at keith@good-works.net
  2. Request an application for an internship or employment.
  3. Be aware that you will need to return again for a formal interview.